
The Greater Lake Superior Foundation holds a modest endowment which is used to fund the research grants. We need to constantly replenish our endowment in order to continue our grant program. Please consider giving a tax deductable donation to The Greater Lake Superior Foundation. We don't need much. Just $10 from each of our supporters (the cost of a six-pack) would help offset our grants. Of course, if you could give more, it would be greatly appreciated.
Give a $50 donation, receive a CBTRU decal and six Coaster Coasters.
Give a $100 donation, receive a CBRU decal, six Coaster Coasters and six proven coaster flies hand tied by our Board members.
Give a $200 donation, receive a CBRU decal, six Coaster Coasters, six proven coaster flies and a coaster brook trout fine art print.
All gifts are tax deductable and you will be provided with an acknowledgement letter and our tax identification number.
Please make checks out to:
The Greater Lake Superior Foundation
4440 46th Ave. S.
Minneapolis, MN