Grant Program

Each year, the GLSF offers grants of $2000 US each to assist graduate students in research on Coaster Brook Trout in Lake Superior or its tributaries. The recipients must be graduate students at a Michigan, Minnesota, Ontario or Wisconsin university or college pursuing a degree in an accredited program of Fisheries Management, Limnology, Ecology, or Biology with a focus in fisheries or a related field. The research may be part of a broader body of work, such as a graduate thesis and the financial assistance added or matched with other funds.

Key areas of research could include, but are not restricted to: Habitat requirements of coasters; Life-history strategies and patterns; Factors limiting coasters in various Lake Superior habitats; Migratory behavior patterns; Interactions with other migratory salmonids; Evaluation of management activities; Watershed restoration approaches toward coaster rehabilitation; Reintroduction strategies including genetic issues; Mapping coaster habitat, such as groundwater outwelling sites. See the Research Projects page of this website for examples.

In exchange for the financial assistance, we require a one page written summary describing the project, specifically for publication on the GLSF website, and the right to link from our website to a PDF of the main body of the research document. We will retain no other rights to the research. The financial assistance will be directed jointly to the intitution and the student and can be spent on equipment, labor or con-
sumables, such as fuel or other costs. Equipment purchased from the
grant funding will be retained by the institution.

Submission requirements:

Cover Sheet- a one page cover sheet including the following information: Title of the project, name of investigator, institutional affiliation, address, phone number and e-mail address.

Letter of Recommendation-a one page letter of recommendation from a faculty advisor assigned to the student.

Research Plan- a detailed description of the research plan. Include the following:
Rationale: What issue or question will be addressed, and why is the proposed research important to that question?
Objectives: What processes, patterns, or relationships will be evaluated to address the research question?
Methods: Describe the study design and analytical methods.
Three pages maximum.

Financial Plan- a description of how the grant will be used in the conduct of the research, within the context of an overall funding plan, indicating matching contributions by other sources, if any. One page maximum.

Timetable- an overall schedule, establishing major milestones. One page maximum.

Applications are due March 28th, 2025, and will be reviewed by the Board of the Greater Lake Superior Foundation. Selections will be made by April 4th, with payment administered by April 18th to the successful recipient/institution. Applications should be submitted in PDF format to Conditions and schedule for the Grant Program are subject to change. For more information on the Grant Program, contact: The Greater Lake Superior Foundation